What is a tyro:
The word tyro comes from medieval Latin and means “young soldier, recruit, beginner”. The dictionary definition of tyro today is “a person who is just beginning to learn something, or has very little experience of something”.
Who is it for?
CTE’s Tyros program is a daily program open to up to 15 students who are participating in the Showcase, Spotlight or Production Team workshops. The program offers leadership training as it applies to CTE and other group dynamics experiences. The students assist in some group activities with Interns and Arts Festival students. They get instruction from various CTE staff and faculty. Tyros is not a pre-requisite for intern applicants, but it is a useful experience for students to learn more about how CTE works and to find out if they might be interested in applying to be an intern in the future.
How do I register for the Tyros program?
Those interested in Tyros can register at the same time as they register for Showcase, Spotlight or Production Team. Please email info@ctekids.org if you have questions.
You’ll see some 2013 Tyros students talking about their CTE experience and engaging and eating lunch with Arts Festival students in the CTE video on our About Page.